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bodog shuffler
  kurtisturtle, Jul 30 2011

I'm dealt 69o a ridiculous percentage more than i should be (usually get 1 every orbit)

playing 3 tables and just got dealt 29o four times in a row, 3 of them all at the same time.

get similar hands so often i usually have some at a given time.

am i being cooky? or is there something wrong with this shuffler?

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results from week 1
  kurtisturtle, Jul 27 2011

first week of playing .02/.05 FR on bodog

keep a notepad file i edit when i open/close the client

  Start: 22.10
7/21/11 1t 2h End: 26 (+5.9)
7/22/11 2t 2.5h End: 28.12 (+2.12)
w david: (-2.10)
End: $32.65 (+4.53)
7/24/11 2t 1.5h End: 29.92 (-2.53)
~Don't play tired... -.-
2t .75h End: 26.20 (-3.70)
~Make sure you're playing the right stakes
7/25/11 2t .5h End: 27.03 (+0.83)
2t 2h End: 23.53 (-3.50)
7/26/11 .75h 1t End: 23.60 (+0.07)
1.16h 1t End: 26.88 (+3.28)
7/27/11 1h 2t End: 33.00 (+6.22)
1h 1t End: 33.02 (+0.02)
1h 2t End: 22.59 (-10.43)

a lot lower because i just started a session, lost a $5 buy-in to AQ which hit a flush draw on both turn and river (i had KK). should've shoved really hard on flop, highest card was queen. was not concentrated, didnt play it right and not 20/20 hindsight telling me. my opponent played a really gutsy hand, must've thought my range was a lot wider because we've never played and i got the KK right after 77 inside the first 5 hands

still positive for today and played hands mostly right!


im finding out you gotta treat this shit like a job. fresh in mind, body, and soul. my computer is in kind of a main area out of place because im home for summer & nowhere else to put it, constantly distracted by family and everyone (like during aforementioned hand). musical instruments played & recorded nearby and people never stop talking.

let my friend use the $2.10 bonus deposit money however he pleased. hes a poker fanatic and i wanted to see his real skill level. he lost it all on one table in like 20 mins, paying to see the flop w shit hands then limping & folding pots like nobody's business. but hes good at live, pretty sure he can read my soul.

from now

putting in a ton of hours at work so my only available playtime is only like 1-2 hrs/day...if that. gf going out of town this friday, finally get like 2 days off so I'll be grinding hard.

other stuff

are there any good microstakes videos? all the stuff i can find relies on reading tracking software stats and dont have that with bodog.

damnet, the guy i lost the flush to just won another hand v me on river while i was going for a flush draw (had a higher pair and beat on the river again lol). thats dissappointing, no more chasing shit, now im negative for today.

i know what tilting feels like, this isnt it. im in a down emotional state, but still logical and patient. on the one hand i know i didnt play correctly, knew i wasnt while i was doing it & making a point with it for my own satisfaction (worth -$2.50). on the knife's edge.


fucking lucky river shit. today, 46 to 2 is not on my side. now im tilting. gonna break for tonight and grind back up tomorrow

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Hello Liquidpoker
  kurtisturtle, Jul 17 2011

My name is kurtisturtle. was kurtistheturtle before 14 character max but no stress

Migrant from TL, owner of bug-eyed fish.

I've played SC a long time, figured better to devote time to money. What I'm going to do is deposit a small amount (maybe more depending) and go all or nothing. I'd like to use this money to find out if poker is for me, if I'm good at it, and if I can handle it.

unrelated but also like to do more math in general. hated it in school but numbers fascinate me

Opening up a pokerstars account. I've lurked through this community a couple times, cracks me up. So if you have any suggestions for how I approach my goals, I'm all ears! look forward to growing with you

short term:
grow my $50 into $200 by end of 2nd week of august

mid-term: figure out how much time im willing to devote, if any

long-term: if still playing;

develop tight (is that right word?) playstyle which will allow me more financial freedom barring if i get caught up in the thrill of first place


what? god damnet. no real money? fuck the us and all this stupid morality. so, first, is there a place or method i can play from the US with real money (like if i used proxy or do they monitor bank accounts?)

second, does this site have a search function/where is it?

I wrote this in poker main but wrong place so I'm transplanting it here

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